Unless they are free to use graphics located at the graphics page, please don't use assets that I have created for my site for your own.
Art is a deep passion of mine and it comes from my heart- doing it for another person is a whole other story. I have done commissions before but they are not fufilling for me. I would much rather create for myself. If I ever take on something that's not my own, it's most likely because it comes from a place of passion; I am very particular.
Not at this moment, no. I don't enjoy using social media. It used to be fun, but then it started to become rather stressful. I also don't want to gain that big of a following. This could change in the future, but this site will always be my "main."
I will make a page dedicated on this specific subject eventually, because I think it is important. The only way to learn how to do something is to try, even if it comes out badly at first- do not hesitate!
I have resources listed in linkland, if that may interest you.
Additionally, if you want to learn something more technical like coding, "inspect element," a bunch of random sites, poke around- try to get a feel for how certain things operate. You will eventually pick up on patterns. You can apply this, "rule of observation," to many things, even art.