A shapeshifting entity that manifested into this realm with no rhyme or reason; made out of the cosmic fluid of the previous dead universe.
They come from a planet called Hyglick, which has a reputation for being a rather unstable planet where anarchy thrives. It's also inhabited by rather peculiar beings, rich with an esoteric web of languages that has rather disjointed and flowery grammar.
RGB wanders around the deserted lands of Hyglick with a laptop horribly cobbled together with spare electronic parts. It has a mini-satilite that can acess the web, though it's rather slow (dial-up levels of speed). They live rather freely and would love to talk to you about random, obscure computer games, probably.
loud, bold, impulsive, boisterous
Xe's a party animal who loves to entertain. Sometimes, they can be a bit too much for others, and has trouble keeping themselves, "low key."

The musicmaker; They like to explore every aspect of electronic sound.
Vendetta often confuses his imagination for reality. How he sees the world is very different compared to the average person.
He seems to be in a constant state of dreaming- even when his eyes are clearly open. He sees higher planes of existence that many others cannot see- beings and monsters that communicate in glyphs, towers made out of eyes, and so on...